


Validate target :

Make sure that the target is actually the one you want.

For example, be sure that it is your USB Memory key that is attached and not the one of a colleague or friend.

Verify change date :

Copy source only if it is newer than target (for faster "copy all")

Preserve directory structure :

The full path of the source is maintained on the target.

For example,

if source is C:\dataVnyDocuments\and target is E: Vnybackup\ then if the file C: \dataVnyDoajmentspersonalVwofile.png changes the result will be:

* if option Preserve directory structure" is enabled then the file will be copied to E:V^ybaclajp\cVJal3VnyDocument5V)ersonalV5rofile.png

* if option Preserve directory structure" is disabled then the file will be copied to E:VnybadajpV>ersonalV>rofile.png

In case the option is enabled, be sure that the path does not become longer than

the longest path supported by your target location.