
File Open Dialog

WScript.Echo "Selected file: " & GetFileName( "C:\", "" )

WScript.Echo "Selected file: " & GetFileName( "", "Text files|*.txt" )

WScript.Echo "Selected file: " & GetFileName( "", "MS Office documents|*.doc;*.xls;*.pps" )

WScript.Echo "Selected file: " & GetFileName( "C:\WINDOWS", "Bitmaps|*.bmp" )

Function GetFileName( myDir, myFilter )

' This function opens a File Open Dialog and returns the

' fully qualified path of the selected file as a string.


' Arguments:

' myDir is the initial directory; if no directory is

' specified "My Documents" is used;

' NOTE: this default requires the WScript.Shell

' object, and works only in WSH, not in HTAs!

' myFilter is the file type filter; format "File type description|*.ext"

' ALL arguments MUST get A value (use "" for defaults), OR otherwise you must

' use "On Error Resume Next" to prevent error messages.


' Dependencies:

' Requires NUSRMGRLib (nusrmgr.cpl), available in Windows XP and later.

' To use the default "My Documents" WScript.Shell is used, which isn't

' available in HTAs.


' Written by Rob van der Woude

' http://www.robvanderwoude.com

    ' Standard housekeeping

    Dim objDialog

    ' Create a dialog object

    Set objDialog = CreateObject( "UserAccounts.CommonDialog" )

    ' Check arguments and use defaults when necessary

    If myDir = "" Then

        ' Default initial folder is "My Documents"

        objDialog.InitialDir = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).SpecialFolders( "MyDocuments" )


        ' Use the specified initial folder

        objDialog.InitialDir = myDir

    End If

    If myFilter = "" Then

        ' Default file filter is "All files"

        objDialog.Filter = "All files|*.*"


        ' Use the specified file filter

        objDialog.Filter = myFilter

    End If

    ' Open the dialog and return the selected file name

    If objDialog.ShowOpen Then

        GetFileName = objDialog.FileName


        GetFileName = ""

    End If

End Function